
wELcOme to mY bLog...! hope you enjoy reading it with smiles on your face!! =))

Monday, July 29, 2013

Patah Seribu

Walau kau tiada di sini ku tetap ingat semua pesanmu
Ku hidup seolah olah kau masih ada
Bisikan kata kepadaku
Bilakah kau akan utuskan surat buatku
Aku terus menunggu tiba nya kata cintamu
Patah seribu hatiku
Bila mengenangkan segala yang kita bina bersama
Haruskah kulupa
Kerna engkau telah pergi
Biar pergimu tanpa relamu
Namun hatiku tetap berasa
Kejamnya kau meninggalkan ku dengan nota-nota cinta
Buat kita berdua
Bilakah ku bisa menerima ketiadaan mu
Kan ku bakar semua
Hapuskan semua kenangan
Sayang ku mohon padamu
Segera tinggalkan ku
Pergilah kau ke tempat yang kau tuju
Pasti ada hikmah buat mu dan juga buat diriku.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I know how it feels.

Trust me...
I know how it feels...
I know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower so no one can hear you...
I know what's its like to wait for everyone to be asleep so you can fall apart...
For everything to hurt so bad that you just want it all to end...
I know exactly how it feels...
Trust me, I know.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Girl and A Boy

through Facebook they met
a girl and a boy
from strangers to friends
from friends to more than friends
a friendship becomes a relationship
everything was flowery
but somehow everything have change
is it the girl?
is it the boy?
or both of them?
people talks about the boy
she heard but she does not listen
she choose to believe the boy
because she choose to believe
as time passes
she saw it
he's changed
and now
she begin to wonder
is she doing the right thing?
is believing in him the right thing to do?
because she cant hold it anymore
suddenly out of the blue
he wants to end it
he wants to end them
he wants to end the relationship
nothing much she can do
its hurt but she will try
try to accept it
and now
a relationship turn to a friendship
from more than friends to just a friend
from just a friend to strangers
and now
they just a girl and a boy
that met through Facebook

"u lied, i tried.
u hurt me, i tried.
u took me for granted, i tried.
u cheated, i tried.
u ignored me, i tried.
REMEMBER, i tried."


Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Hye all! 

Hye all la sangat kan... x kisah la... by da way, now ape yang saye nk tulis adalah berkenaan KEHENDAK atau KEPERLUAN. Well, sebelum itu, apakah kehendak dan apakah keperluan? Dari apa yang saya faham, keperluan adalah sesuatu yg penting dan kita perlukan. Manakala kehendak pula adalah sesuatu yang x berape penting dan kadang-kadang kita tidak perlu pun. Haaa... hamekkkk, bahasa baku gitu.. hahahaha..  itu ape yang saya faham la.. So, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, ok? 

So, hari ini saya teman umi saya shopping! Sangat awesome! n plus, ade sales lagi! Almaklum la... Nak dekat Chinese New Year kan... mesti la banyak sales nye.. x gitu? mcm hari raye jugak la kan... ha... Ckp pasal sales kn, kita yang perempuan ni, pantang dengar. Mula la, tergedik2 nk pg kn... Tu saya la kan, org lain xtau la kan... tp I bet u do too! Bkn perempuan je hokayy, lelaki pon same... Sbb adik2 ku pon mcm tu.. Nampak jek sales, terus meroyan.. hahahaha... So, disebabkan sales yg boleh thn itu tadi, saya pon ape lg, mengusha la brg2 yg ingin dibeli... Tetapi haruslah mengutamakan brg2 umi dahulu yek.. Kalo x kan, kompem x dapat bodek... hehehe.. Owh ya, saya masih belajar dan masih di bwh tanggungan ibu bapa sbb belum kawen so saya entitled utk membodek umi saya. 

Selepas membeli brg2 umi spt baju, handbag periuk belanga and all the woman stuff, tiba lah pula utk saya mencari brg2 saya.. Jeeng jeng jeng.. My favourite part! tengok la handbag and kasut... dua benda tu adalah barang2 yg sangat sy suke! sanggaaatttttttt ye.. nampak x byk 'a' n 't' tu... haaaa.... saya pon usha2 la dua benda berkenaan.. so saya terjumpa la yang berkenan di hati... and harga die boleh tahan jugak la... saya tersengih2 mcm kerang chumel depan umi.. Lalu umi pon berkata, "bukan ke Kaklong baru beli handbag and kasut ke ari tu? x cukup lg ke?" n saya pon berkata "ala, umi... tu da lame.... lgpon beg ni cantik... nk pkai g kelas nnt... kasut ni pon comfy.... mauuuu......." dan umi pon memberi pandangan yg mcm pandangan maut tp soft sket la dari pandangan maut tu kepada anak perempuan nya yg buat2 x paham itu... dan umi pon berkata lagi, "kaklong, handbag n kasut tu baru lg kan... lagipon cube pk, ni kehendak ke keperluan?" dgn pantas saya menjawab, "keperluan!" dan umi pon tenung lg skali n saya pon menjawab dgn nada kecewa sbb kompem x dpt ni "fine... kehendak..." n umi tersenyum smbl berkata "true....so, sbb kehendak xleh la bli lagi ye... tggu smpi jd keperluan br leh bli..." so, saya pon angkat la bendera putih, tp dalam hati berkate, akan kubeli jugak handbag dan kasut tu lepas dpt elaun! yeehhaaahhh! tp kene bersabar dan berharap benda2 itu xkan habis.. hehehe..

But still, bile teringat blk kata2 umi siang td pada pukul 1.30 pg ini, saya pon terfikir... kita selalu beli sesuatu tanpa memikirkan samada sesuatu itu adalah kehendak atau keperluan.. itu saya la.. xtau la org lain kan... kalo kita rase nk sesuatu tu, kita main beli jek padahal kita x perlu pon.. contohnye, handphone... sekarang ni, handphone, mak aihhh canggih gile! pastu asek kuar yg baru jek... kita rase kita beli dah canggih dah.. x sampi sebulan da kuar model baru, pastu mula la meroyan nk beli yang tu pulak kan.. x ke membazir nama nye tu? no offense, tp itu la reality.. saya pon begitu... tgk membe pkai hp canggih, saya pon nk jugak kan.. tp sbb sedar diri ni masih blaja, pakai je la apa yang ade... tu pon nasib baik ade, ye dok? org lain yang xde tu? haaa.... tp saya rase tu ade lah realiti atau human nature... x pernah puas dengan apa yang ade.. mesti mau yg lebih lagi.. dan sebab itu la terjadinye KEHENDAK.... kita selalu mengkehendakan sesuatu yang tidak kita perlukan... macam mane nk ubah sikap itu? saya pon xtau sbb saya pon x berjaya mengubahnye... tp bile saya dah jumpe cara utk mengubah sikap itu, i will let u know!

Till then, have a nice day people! 

and for whom it may concern, take care! jgn lupa mkn ubat yek! n this song, my favourite song, is for u.. <3

lots of love,

a girl with smiles =))

Saturday, January 26, 2013

addicted to DROP DEAD DIVA

     i cant stop watching DROP DEAD DIVA! n never tired of watching Spy Kids-All The Time in the World. In fact, i'm watching it now at 2.00 am when i am supposed to go to sleep... hurmm... well, that is not what im going to talk about.. well, Drop dead diva, is an inspiring drama series! this drama series is about a wannabe model, Deb that died in a car accidents and somehow get back to the world because she was annoyed by an officer at the heaven when she just push a return button when she is not supposed to and end up in another person body, named Jane who was a super busy lawyer that died because she took a bullet for his boss. So, basically she went from a model wannabe with not so smart brain to a genius and super busy lawyer with a plus size body. 

     Since it a drama series, so there are lots of conflicts that happened like Deb boyfriends, Greyson that actually work with Jane and it make it hard for Debs in Jane body to work at the law firm. The drama series is about the law firms, lawyers, cases (lots of cases) and those who are into law thingy should watch it (I think). Well, i just finished season 2 (n think that is why i cant stop thinking about Shahid Kapoor..) hurmmm.. well, like i just said or wrote, just finished watch two seasons in two days (dont ask how or why) and still cant stop. Tomorrow I'm gonna watch season 3. Cant wait! n the story made me realizes that u can achieve anything by being yourself and not live up to someone else expectation. How do i realize that? Well, u need to watch the series if u wanna know! i think i used lots of 'well'.. hurmmm... whatever... so, below is the trailer of Drop Dead Diva season 1. feel free to watch!
 owh ya... to whom it may concern, da video below is for u..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <3

may Allah bless u always! ^_^

to others, have a blast weekends!

lots of love,
a girl with smiles! =))