it almost 1am already... i am sleepy... but still cannot sleep... hurmm.... dont know why... but i tink diz might got to do with all the problems dat happened around me... sigh~ why do i have to deal with all da probs... i really hate dat.... and my brother... how can he be so calmed after knowing dat he just got dismissed... WTH! i noe dat my mother was so dissapointed with him... n im sure my dad also... when he noe about it... i tink my brother just noe dat he'll going to be dismissed.. he already said it last year... but my dad still forced him to go on with his studies... he already said that he's not interested with the course that he takes now... so, he want to change it to other course... but my father wont let him do dat... n now he OBVIOUSLY blame my parents for forcing him to do this course... who he thinks he are??!! he's da one who fills up the form.. well... of course with my mother instruction... but i dont tink dat my mom force him to take dis course... he's da one who's willing to... urrgghhhh.... im absolutely sure dat my dad r going to piss off when he knew about dis...
n today was da most boring day ever...! nothing much dat i did today despite of sleeping, eating, watch tv, eating again, surfing, facebooking, tweetering n now blogging... oo yea... watching BEAUTY n THE BEAST on utube... i loveeeee dat movie.... i actually love all the disney's movie... n beauty and da beast is one of it... i tink dats da only tink dat make my day today.. n da songs... aahhhh... i love da songs! its so...... melodious.... huhuhu...

n i miss my bff so much... my besties also... i actually just miss my frens.... there r not here... there are a few here... but hang out with those few just not da same with my other bff n besties..... n my boyfriend also... he's soooo bz today... urgghh... i really hate it when he's dat bz... n now he's still working... but, wat to do... he's da man dat i chose... so... padan muke saye..... hurm... anyway, apart all of diz chaos, i still believe dat tomorrows going to be a good day.... all dat i have to do is keep smiling! wish me luck! n here da melodious songs dat i really lovveee..... enjoy!
beauty and da beast songs... - tale as old as time
a girl with smiles =))
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