people tend to say let bygone be bygone.. i've tried.. n i failed again as usual... people always told me to forgive n forget.. tp still x boleh.. it hurts so much dat i cant even breath! it felt like my heart r going to explode..! sumtimes i just hope dat it explode so dat i cant think about it anymore.. n mybe, just mybe i can be heartless.. so i cant feel anything anymore... when i cant feel, i'll able to think about myself only.. just me.. dont need to be afraid of falling again.. because falling in love is sumthing that i shud be avoiding.. people come n go... but i cant seem to let him go... he probably r enjoying his life to da max rite now.. n i..? stuck in diz stupid memory... its not like im not enjoying my life.. i do enjoy my life.. every minute of it.. but still, theres sumthing missing.. i never care or love anyone da way i love him.. there.. i said it.. i LOVE him! n i still do... dats sad rite.. pathetic i guess... but wat shud i do... hes not mine anymore.. n i hope hes not going to be mine... i tend to believe dat if we're r destined to be together, he'll come back... but now, after all that happen, i really dont want him to my life partner.. as i said, i love him.. but i dont think hes da one for me...
nevertheless, i tried to accept new people in my life.. but its hard.. cause im afraid.. afraid dat im going to face da same thing all over again.. cause i dont think dat i can handle it again.. n still, im not sure whether i really like him or he just an excuse for me to show to everyone dat im over my ex.. sumtimes.. no.. most of da time, i really wish that we get back together... stupid rite..? i noe... cause like i said before... everything dat i do or everywhere dat i go, it will remind me of him.. it sucks tho...
argghhh..... this started to make me dizzy... i hate it! hate it to the max... i always said to keeps on smiling rite..? but now, even i cant smile.. n i hate him for making me diz way..
"The things that we crave the most are the things that destroy us the quickest."
a girl with smiles =))
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